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'dul ba gzhi vinaya-vastu Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          rab tu 'byung ba'i gzhi pravrajyāvastu “The Chapter on Going Forth” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          gso sbyong gi gzhi poṣadhavastu “Chapter on the Rite of Restoration” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          dgag dbye'i gzhi pravāraṇavastu “Chapter on the Relaxation of Restrictions” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          dbyar gyi gzhi varṣāvastu “Chapter on the Rains” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          ko lpags kyi gzhi carmavastu “Chapter on Leather” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          sman gyi gzhi bhaiṣajyavastu “Chapter on Medicinal Materials” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          gos kyi gzhi cīravastu “Chapter on the Robes” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          sra brkyang gi gzhi kaṭhinavastu “Chapter on Turning Cloth into Robes” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          kau shAm+bI'i gzhi kośāmbakavastu “Chapter on the Monks of Kauśāmbī” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          las kyi gzhi karmavastu “Chapter on Formal Acts” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          dmar ser can gyi gzhi pāṇḍulohitakavastu “Chapter on a Group of Troublesome Monks” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          gang zag gi gzhi pudgalavastu “Chapter on Types of Person” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          spo ba'i gzhi pārivāsikavastu “Chapter on Demotions” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          gzo sbyong gzhag pa'i gzhi poṣadhasthāpanavastu “Chapter on Suspending the Restoration Rites” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          gnas lam gyi gzhi Śayanāsanavastu “Chapter on Shelter” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          rtsod pa'i gzhi adhikaraṇavastu “Chapter on Disputes” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
          dge 'dun gyi dbyen gyi gzhi saṅghabhedavastu “Chapter on Schisms in the Saṅgha” from The Chapters on Monastic Discipline
so sor thar ba'i mdo prātimokṣa-sūtra Sūtra of Individual Emancipation
'dul ba rnam par 'byed pa vinaya-vibhaṅga Detailed Explanations of Discipline
dge slong ma'i so sor thar ba'i mdo bhikṣuṇīprātimokṣa-sūtra Sūtra of Individual Emancipation of Nuns
dge slong ma'i 'dul ba rnam par 'byed pa bhikṣuṇī-vinaya-vibhaṅga Detailed Explanations on Nuns' Discipline
'dul ba phran tshegs kyi gzhi vinaya-kṣudraka-vastu Finer Points of Discipline
'dul ba gzhung bla ma vinaya-uttaragrantha Preeminent Account of Discipline
'dul ba'i gzhung dam pa vinayottaragrantha Preeminent Account of Discipline